Aside from a dog, horse is one of the pet that most closely with the people. As we know, dogs are very friendly and faithful to the people as employers. Also with horses, this animals are also very loyal to their employers, especially who could provide good care. However, nurture dogs and horses are two different things, especially in the level of complexity.
Nurture a dog can be said is more easier than horses. In terms of food, rules, activities, cost, and others, nurture the dog is easier and more simple than horses. Also in terms of health, drugs and vaccines for the dogs can be found anywhere easily. Different things with horse vaccines, it can not be found easily. Perhaps maybe only special place where a horse vaccines can be obtained. However, we are as humans need to be able to nurture and love for all the animals in the world, both our pet or not.
abis ini makan yuk boss :)
lancar nih boss,hehehe.lanjut pak.
lancar nui..
Sukses ya
vaksinasi kuda?? bawa ke posyandu aja bro..he..he
Kalo kuda mesti buatkan Istalnya.. ribet.. Kalo Anjing kan simpel bro... trus ngga ada maling yg mendekat deh.. tapi tergantung dari masing-masing org ya..?
i'm going with u bro. pokoknya cintai binatang.
tahun baruan cerah; payment-nya lancar bos...? Amiiiiin. Apa saja selagi bisa.
weh, ak mencium bau dolar disini.. :D
bagus ..!!! pemanfaatan blog yang optimal ...
Nice post ...!!
Kuda sama anjing, sama sama mahal......
mantaap artikelnya, pinter cari duwit nihhh....
artikel yang menarik
move on itu perlu