I have a friend who has a business in the automotive field, precisely car dealers and workshops. He built that business from zero and now slowly has been developing quite rapidly. Just only more less 1.5 year, his revenue has significant increased. I think this is a very good achievement. In the very tight competition, he was able to become a prominent player.
I'm curious about what the secret that can make him successful like now. One thing that he told me about the secret was a payment. He provides the payment both by cash and credit card. Especially, with credit card, his costumer feel more comfortable and easy to make payment. This give a very positive effect on customer loyalty. One important suggestion from him, we have to choose the best merchant account provider, because there are a lot of merchants out there that are not compatible.
ni ber-uang yahh ? ajarin english dunk :)
singkat,jelas and padet...
bisnis apa lagi nih friend...
Review... Review...
wahh rame nich job nya mass
wew wew hihihiih
pada ikutan juga ya mas..???
moga sukses mas....agar ntar akhir tahun ada modal.. hehehe
wah, ga tau apa yg maksud postingan ini :(
wah, ga tau apa yg maksud postingan ini :(
ini yang namanya cari duit. Hehehe...
Hi Friend,My Blog walking with A Rose,hope you'll do the same.thanks.
kaga ngerti neh,apa yg sedanng dibicarakan :8
cieeee....dapet order nih bang, hihi.....selamat ya, sukses terus bro
ada tulisan automotivenya..
dq pikir jual beli mobil 2nd..
jobnya lancar terussssssssssssssssssssss
NPWP, kalo emang punya usaha mending bikin NPWP he..he.. info lengkap disini Tentang NPWP
ikut menyimak saja
wahh rame nich job nya mass
makasih buat artikelnya